孟丹,女,讲师,硕士生导师,生物技术与食品科学学院, 生物工程系
2011.09~2016.06 清华大学 生命科学学院 生物学 理学博士(导师:潘俊敏)
2007.09~2011.07 吉林大学 生命科学学院 药物制剂 理学学士
(1) Wang, M.#, Meng, D.#, Zhang, P., Wang, X., Du, G., Brennan, C., Li, S.*, Ho, C.T., Zhao, H.* (2018). Antioxidant Protection of Nobiletin, 5-Demethylnobiletin, Tangeretin, and 5-Demethyl- tangeretin from Citrus Peel in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66, 3155-3160.
(2) Meng, D.#, Zhang, P.#, Li, S.*., Ho, C.T., Zhao, H.*(2017). Antioxidant activity evaluation of dietary phytochemicals using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model. Journal of Functional Foods 38, 36-44.
(3) Meng, D.#, Zhang, P.#, Zhang, L., Wang, H., Ho, C.T., Li, S.*., Shahidi, F., Zhao,H.*(2017). Detection of cellular redox reactions and antioxidant activity assays. Journal of Functional Foods 37,467-479.
(4) Meng, D. #, and Pan, J.* (2016). A NIMA-related kinase, CNK4, regulates ciliary stability and length. Molecular Biology of the Cell 27, 838-847.
(5) Meng, D.#, Cao, M.#, Oda, T., and Pan, J.* (2014). The conserved ciliary protein Bug22 controls planar beating of Chlamydomonas flagella. Journal of Cell Science 127, 281-287.
(6) Wang, L. #, Gu, L., Meng, D., Wu, Q., Deng, H., and Pan, J.* (2017). Comparative Proteomics Reveals Timely Transport into Cilia of Regulators or Effectors as a Mechanism Underlying Ciliary Disassembly. Journal of proteome research 16, 2410-2418.
(7) Liang, Y. #, Meng, D., Zhu, B., and Pan, J.* (2016). Mechanism of ciliary disassembly. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 73, 1787-1802.
(8) Hu, Z. #, Liang, Y., Meng, D., Wang, L., and Pan, J.* (2015). Microtubule-depolymerizing kinesins in the regulation of assembly, disassembly, and length of cilia and flagella. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 317,
(9) Yang, Y. #, Ran, J. #, Liu, M., Li, D., Li, Y., Shi, X., Meng, D., Pan, J., Ou, G., Aneja, R., Sun, S., Zhou, J. * (2014). CYLD mediates ciliogenesis in multiple organs by deubiquitinating Cep70 and inactivating HDAC6. Cell research 24, 1342-1353.
(10) Cao, M. #, Meng, D., Wang, L., Bei, S., Snell, W.J.*, and Pan, J.* (2013). Activation loop phosphorylation of a protein kinase is a molecular marker of organelle size that dynamically reports flagellar length. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 12337-12342.
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 31701172, NIMA 相关蛋白激酶 CNK4 调控纤毛稳定性和长度的分子机制研究, 2018.01-2020.12, 主持, 在研。
(2)天津市自然科学基金青年项目, 18JCQNJC09900, Bug22 调控纤毛摆动和组装的分子机制研究, 2018.04-2021.03, 主持,在研。
(3)天津商业大学新进人员科研启动项目, R160124, 使用衣藻进行纤毛研究及天然活性物质功能的筛选, 2016.10-2019.12, 主持,在研。