
作者: 时间:2025-02-26 点击数:





1995.09-1999.07 天津科技大学化学工程系,工学学士

1999.09-2002.03 天津科技大学材料科学与化工学院,工学硕士

2007.10-2008.09 东北师范大学教育部留学生预备学校,日语研修生

2008.10-2009.04 日本东京大学农学生命科学学院生物材料系,研究生

2009.04-2012.03 日本东京大学农学生命科学学院生物材料系,农学博士

2012.04-2012.10 日本东京大学木材化学研究室,农学共同研究员

2012.10-2013.09 中国科学院理化技术研究所短期访问学者

2019.08-2019.09 芬兰阿尔托大学短期访问学者





1. 木质纤维生物质基功能材料的设计构建及应用研究;


3. 林产化工与过程。


1. Chenguang Jiang, Guangrong Yu, Pandeng Wang, Zhuonan Yao, Lan Mu, Qiang Li, Yan Shi. Preparation of delignified wood fibers based absorbent pad for tray package and its application in preservation of cold and fresh pork [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 219, 119097. 97

2. Haoxi Dai, Ning Li, Yangli Cui, Wenjie Gao, Xiaoming Peng, Wenchao Peng, Hang Si,Lan Mu, Yan Shi, Zhanjun Cheng.Indispensable Synergy between C= C and C=O Sites in Biochar for Peroxomonosulfate Activation and Sulfamethoxazole Degradation[J]. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2024, 1-10.

3. Xiaolin Li, Yan Shi, Weiwei Kong,Jiping Wei,Wenjun Song,Suying Wang. Improving enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass by bio-coordinated physicochemical pretreatment—A review[J]. Energy Reports,2022,8: 696-709.

4.Weiwei Kong, Guangrong Yu, Jiong Xing, Rui Kong, Meihua Liu, Yan Shi. Effect of the dissolving method on the dissolution of dissolving pulp cellulose fibers with different dried-states in different NaOH/additives aqueous solutions [J]. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2021, 29(12),3909-3917.

5. Yan Shi, Rui Kong, Fang Yang,Shaowei Ren,Jinglei Xie. Participation of sodium sulfamate as hydrogen bonddonating and hydrogen bond-accepting additive in the dissolution of cellulose in NaOH aqueous solution, Cellulose,2018, 25:2785-2794.

6. Yan Shi, Jinglei Xie, Jinbao Kou, Rui Kong, Nan Sun, and Miaoli Bai. Decomposition study of methyl α-D-Glucopyranoside (MGPα) and lignin model compounds for better glucose yield during sulfurous acid treatment, BioResources, 2017,12(3):5502-5511.

7. Yan Shi, Existence of the sugar-bisulfite adducts and its inhibiting effect on degradation of monosaccharide in acid system. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2014,172(3): 1612-1622.

8. Yan Shi, Tomoya Yokoyama, Takuya Akiyama, Makoto Yashiro and Yuji Matsumoto. Characteristics of sulfurous acid prehydrolysis and its influence on the efficiency of subsequent chemical pulping process, BioResources, 2013,8(4): 4837-4848.

9. Yan Shi, Tomoya Yokoyama, Takuya Akiyama, Makoto Yashiro, Yuji Matsumoto. Degradation kinetics of monosaccharides in hydrochloric, sulfuric, and sulfurous acid, BioResources,2012:7(3), 4085-4097.

10. Yan Shi,Zeyu Ma,Weiwei Kong,Jingwen He, and Xiang Gao. Forming technology of regenerated cellulose self-bonding dissolving pulp fibers reinforced cushioning material, 2019 International Symposium on Wood Fiber and Pulp Chemistry (ISWFPC), 100, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.9.9-9.11

11. Yan Shi, Yan Wang, Jingwen He, Zheyu Shi, Fang Yang, Rui Kong. Component analysis of eggplant stalk and tomato stalk and comparison of their pulping properties, International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology (ICPPB'2018), Nanjing, P.R.China, 2018, 11.12-11.14

12.Yan Shi, YutaoLiao, Jinglei Xie, Peipei Sun. A Comparative Study on the Dissolution of Different Source of Commercial Dissolving Pulp in NaOH/additives Aqueous System, 2017 International Symposium on Wood Fiber and Pulp Chemistry (ISWFPC), 309-313, Porto Seguro, Brazil, 2017.8.28-9.01

13. Yan Shi, Tomoya Yokoyama, Takuya Akiyama, Makoto Yashiro, Yuji Matsumoto. Protective effect of sulfurous acid on the degradation of monosaccharides during acid treatment,The 4th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology(ICPPB), 47-50, Nanjing, P.R.China, 2012, 11.07-11.09

14. Yan Shi, Huang Zhen. Research on solubility and packaging film formation of abaca cellulose by NMMO solvent method. The 3rd International Cellulose Conference (ICC), 166, Sapporo, Japan, 2012.10.10-10.12



1.2023.01~2024.12,国家重点研发计划政府间重点专项项目(2022YFE0125100), 生物质干式厌氧消化制气与沼渣液综合处置利用关键技术,主持。



4. 2013.10~2016.09,天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(自然科学基金一般项目)(13JCYBJC38800),溶解浆纤维素NaOH/添加剂溶解体系的溶解行为研究,主持。


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